
Mujeres Return With More Power-Pop Doo-Wop On “Marathon”

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It’s amazing how scenes and styles can occur simultaneously in different locations. Take the music of Mujeres. The quartet from Barcelona, Spain (Catalonia if you prefer) is nearly 6,000 miles away from Fullerton, CA yet their music would fit perfectly amongst Burger Records’ catalog of artists, alongside The Growlers, Cherry Glazerr, and The Lovely Bad Things.

The band’s latest album, Marathon, is their third full-length since 2008 – though they have a couple of split releases and EPs littered throughout that time period as well. The album title aptly captures the long distance race through Garage Rock, Power Pop, Surf, and Punk that the 12 tracks take. It starts off with a trio of unrelenting, fast-paced riffs on “Lose Control,” “Feels Dead,” and “On & On.”

Things slow down on “I Wonder,” “Perpetual Motion,” and “Vivir Sin Ti,” one of two tracks in Spanish (Castellano if you prefer) besides album closer “Galgo Diamante.” The previously mentioned tracks take on a slower tempo along with a 50s/60s Rock quality. Buddy Holly gone Punk/Surf? You could say that.

The cycle repeats itself with the music returning to faster Garage songs before slowing down again towards the end, providing the listener with a roller coaster of non-stop fun courtesy of excellent guitar riffs.

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