During an interview on Beats 1 this week, Natalia Lafourcade talked about everything from grappling with the fame of being a Latin American superstar to the making of her video for “Hasta La Raiz.” Disarmingly charming as usual, Lafourcade barrels through the conversation in slightly broken English and with a down-to-earth demeanor. But the real take away from the interview is the alternate, reggaefied version of her devastating “Lo Que Construimos,” which served as the show’s intro. Somehow, in the wonderful and mysterious way reggae works, the subtle change of instrumentation makes the song lighter and not as sorrowful. Though it’s still clear heartbreak is at the core of this track, the steel drums and breezy guitar picking make all the pain and emotional trauma a bit more bearable. It’s as if this time, instead of staying in bed and crying our eyes out after the break up, we took a weeklong recovery trip to Montego Bay.
The interview and track come ahead of next week’s Latin Grammy Awards, for which Lafourcade is nominated in five different categories, including Song and Album of the Year.