
Premiere: Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas’ New Video Nears “Dos Mujeres, Un Camino” Level Escándalo

I’ll be the first to admit that we probably maybe kinda screwed up last year when we let Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas completely fly under our radar. The band unveiled its full-length album Secret Evil last year to very deserving praise and acclaim that works on two levels. The first being the ease which The Deltas easily flow between rock, blues, country, cabaret, and pop without missing a beat. The second, and most important, being Hernandez’ amazing vocal talent, which is equal parts Wanda Jackson, Dolly Parton, and Amy Winehouse.

JH&TD released a video for “Sorry I Stole Your Man” last October to coincide with the album’s release. Oddly enough, there wasn’t a single bit of man-thieving shenanigans amidst the footage of mariachis and hipsters alike partying together in a parking lot. The new, officially-titled “Home Movie Version” corrects that by remixing footage from the original with new footage packed with drama and escándalo. It’s not on the level of “Dos Mujeres, Un Camino” but somebody ends up with a drink tossed in their face!