Ride along with Raven Felix as she takes us through her beloved 818, specifically the city of Pacoima (the hometown of legendary rockstar Ritchie Valens), in her new clip for “Little Less Hard.” Joined on the hook by Philadelphia native Ashley Jones, a dressed-down sweatshirt-and-jeans Raven raps about the daily frustrations that come with being a new artist. Besides giant murals with colorful statements, you’ll see in the video that sometimes passion doesn’t pay the bills, so what do you do? Take it from the 19-year-old artist and set up a lemonade stand in the Valley on a hot summer day.
The California emcee recently wrapped up touring with Wiz Khalifa and Fall Out Boy for a few dates on the Boyz of Zummer tour. Raven is continuing to build her buzz as the release for her upcoming album, Valifornication, inches closer.