It seems like Sango just can’t miss right now. He hit us with two new tracks over three hours, each showing a different side of the producer’s skill set. The first was a remix of Abhi//Dijon’s recently released “Wait,” and Sango appropriately titled it a Seattle Rain Mix, as it reflects the city’s mood. The mix is a slowed down and sleepy version of the original, with introspective undertones.
Two hours later, he released another track without warning, “Não Falo” (feat. MC Nem). This song brings us to his biggest musical influence, Brazil, with MC Nem singing over a baile funk rhythm intertwined with a classic Sango sample that slows down the tempo. If you ever doubted his talent, or thought he was one-dimensional, these songs put those fears to rest. Sango leaves you wanting more, and we’re excited for the fusion of sounds he’ll produce moving forward.