
Santa Muerte Unveils “Hollowed,” a Taste of the Texas Duo’s Theatrical Future

Lead Photo: Courtesy of Santa Muerte
Courtesy of Santa Muerte
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Santa Muerte‘s Panchitron has referred to his and partner Sines’ goal of making their joint foray into darkened party music as “a theatrical production.” One wonders what kind of play could be conjured from “Hollowed,” the duo’s collaboration with Chilean producer Tomás Urquieta and the final track to debut from their upcoming Cicatriz EP. May we suggest a martial contemporary dance number, something with an oxidized metal backdrop perhaps?

Cicatriz most certainly makes sense as a soundtrack to drama. Previously released songs “Void” with Russian producer WWWINGS and “Dangerous Scenarios” with Bala Club’s Rules follow similar rising and falling trajectories, plot twists galore for the dancers who will no doubt have these tracks flexed on them via DJs around the globe. The album was created through a similar collaborative process with some of SM’s favorite artists, but the references to reggaeton rhythms that characterized Oraciones EP are more subtle here (only “Dangerous Scenarios” even has vocals on it.)

Panchitron has called “Hollowed” his favorite among the tracks Santa Muerte put out this year because it forecasts the direction that the project will be taking in the future. Will the next Santa Muerte EP come correct with multi-tier seating options, intermission, and Panchitron and Sines conducting from the pit? Because…we’re down.

Santa Muerte’s Cicatriz EP is out December 16 on Infinite Machine.