
Ferraz Channels James Blake-Level Bliss on “Honestly” (feat. Cozy)

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In case you haven’t been paying attention, Ferraz is a Venezuelan producer with the Midas touch. Every track he’s released so far has had a mesmerizing effect on us, and his latest, “Honestly,” is no different.

The song features a young French vocalist called Cozy, who dials up Ferraz’s soulful vibe to pure bliss. The production is spot-on, as usual, and here Ferraz plays with restraint and negative space. The jazz chords set the tone, but there’s something about his music that feels luminous. It’s almost impossible not to compare Cozy’s falsetto and this song to James Blake’s work – complete with “The Wilhelm Scream”-like descending “falling/falling.” But the production saves the track from being a Blake rip-off, and “Honestly” stands on its own two feet.