Music and protest have gone hand in hand since their existence. When social and political situations become difficult, some artists turn their inspiration to voice their concerns and reject what they feel is wrong. Protest fuels every kind of music when trying times arise.
With the election of ultra-conservative Mauricio Macri as Argentina’s new president, a politician who many fear could lead Argentina in a totalitarian direction due to his history of xenophobia and neoliberal policies, people have expressed anger and concern about what will happen to the country in the near future. Melody Tayhana is just one of the musicians who felt overwhelmed by the situation. So she decided to put matters into her own hands, and the result is a mixtape titled No Back to the 90’s.
The mix features a ton of energy from the get-go, building on heavy beats and severe sounds that never become too sinister to dance to. After all, this is party music, something Tayhana knows very well, since she’s a DJ and host of the Hiedrah club nights. Sampled political speeches pepper the tracks, and an especially heavy passage comes in the form of a bandoneón playing a melody over aggressive gunshots and police sirens. It’s at once conscious and fun.
Argentina is facing a tough time in their history, as Macri could possibly become the first president to be sworn in while on trial for political and civil espionage, if the case goes through. No Back to the 90’s reminds us not to get overwhelmed by what’s to come. Instead, it implores us to remember that having a good time is a slap in the face of oppression, but advises us not to keep our guard down, and that’s not exclusive to a single country or cause.