
The Circle is COMPLETE: La Bien Querida Finishes Her Creepy Chic Trilogy With “Muero De Amor”

Remember the cutest mini-witches you ever saw back in that La Bien Querida video “Poderes Extraños?” You know, the ones that then went all Children of the Corn on you and controlled adults at a distance in part two, aka “Ojalá Estuvieras Muerto?”

Well, if you were dying to get creeped out through and through while listening to inexplicably happy, delightful pop then wait no more! The last part of La Bien Querida/Juanma Carrillo’s trilogy is here and it does not disappoint. This video is clearly influenced by old Spanish cinema as well as 80s classic horror films but with a gorgeous modern lens. Like a nightmare dressed like a daydream (you were right, Taylor) “Muero de Amor” is beautiful, catchy and a little terrifying, from its illuminati-signing twins in pink sweatshirts to its touches of black and white, through the strangely endearing senior citizen dance hall and up to its climax of emotional (yet disturbed) parent-child hug scenes. Bonus points for hipster hottie playing the piano while La Bien Querida croons to a room full of cute old people snuggle-dancing. Lovely, and a little off.