When a Triángulo de Amor Bizarro song is playing, you can guarantee people will have a lot of feelings. At the minimum, there’s sadness, rage, exhilaration, and nostalgia, so translating those experiences to video might not be the easiest thing in the world, although the Spanish band certainly have delivered their fair share of awesome clips.
Perhaps in their quest to find a fresh approach to their creative vision, TAB have teamed up with French-Spanish video game developer Baroque Decay for their latest visual exercise, this time to illustrate “Nuestro Siglo Fnord,” their latest single from Salve Discordia. Based on Decay’s video game The Count Lucanor, which follows a hero named Hans as he embarks on a horror-adventure quest, “Nuestro Siglo Fnord” chronicles a narrative based on the angsty track. Turns out the old school graphics and RPG narrative lend themselves perfectly to the discordant pop number. Besides, the band members’ video game avatars have to be seen to be believed.
The Count Lucanor has received many positive reviews, and is looking to graduate from gaming platform Steam to consoles soon. TAB, on the other hand, are touring their asses off. Check out their website for dates.
Salve Discordia is out now on Mushroom Pillow.