
Juárez Drug Cartel is Implicated in Latino Soccer Stars’ Transfers to Porto

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According to an investigation by Grupo Conectas and the International Center for Journalists, drug trafficking was implicated in the transatlantic trades of Mexican international Diego Reyes and Colombian Jackson Martínez and Hector Quiñones to Porto. ?

Grupo Comercializador Cónclave – the export company allegedly charged with Juárez Cartel financial operations management – appears in the Portuguese soccer club’s fiscal reports dating back to 2012 and 2013, the years of Reyes, Martínez and Quiñones’ transfers. The business is listed as an intermediary in all three cases.

Apparently Reyes’ transfer is said to have been managed by Northfields Sports, while Mexican agent Guillermo Lara was charged with the job of bringing Jackson from Jaguares de Chiapas to Portugal. Lara’s company – Promotora Internacional Fut Soccer – has already been investigated in relation to alleged ties to Colombian trafficker Jorge Mario Ríos Laverde, alias “El Negro,” who is currently imprisoned in the U.S. for cocaine.

Héctor Quiñones
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Lara’s extensive, sweeping corruption and influence go deeper than recent memory; in 1993, he was accused of embezzling ~$30,000 while working as a promoter for the Mexican national team. He represents dozens of players in the Mexican fútbol world as well.

Damn. DAMN.