
El Chapo Allegedly Wanted to Buy Chelsea FC

José Mourinho out, El Chapo in? Today, SPORT from Spain reported that sources close to Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán confirmed the infamous drug lord’s interest in buying Chelsea Football Club. This news comes at a time when we thought the North London side couldn’t possibly get more evil.

According to Mexican police who spoke with members of El Chapo’s entourage, he was 100 percent ready to shell out the $868 million it would have cost him to buy Chelsea. It’s no doubt a small transaction for the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Apparently, El Chapo is a huge fútbol fan, an hincha of Puebla FC. Buying Chelsea would have allowed him to marry two of his true loves in life: fútbol and business.

WTF fam. The world of fútbol is corrupt enough as is.