
This Skier Proudly Waved Mexican Flag Even as He Crossed the Finish Line in Last Place

Lead Photo: Photo by AWSeebaran/ iStock / Getty Images Plus
Photo by AWSeebaran/ iStock / Getty Images Plus
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Mexican skier Germán Madrazo finished the men’s 15-kilometer cross-country freestyle in last place – nearly 30 minutes after the race’s winner. As he neared the finish line, he retrieved a Mexican flag from the sidelines and proceeded to proudly wave it as he completed the course. His competitors from Colombia, Tonga, Morocco, and Portugal waited for him at the end to hoist him over their shoulders, according to BuzzFeed.


His heart has captured the internet’s attention, with many saying that what transpired in this race is what the Olympics are all about. For his part, Madrazo wants to show people that it’s never too late.

“The moral here is to never stop fighting,” he said, according to El Universal. “It’s never too late to start [something], and you’re only old if you feel old.”