
Even Boxing Magazine ‘The Ring’ Has No Chill When It Comes to Ronda Rousey

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2015 was the year Ronda Rousey got noticed by Beyoncé, and now the MMA fighter is getting an early start to dominating 2016 with her cover for The Ring. After Cathy “Cat” Davis, Rousey is only the second woman to be featured on The Ring, a magazine that focuses on boxing – aka the sport that MMA has effectively stolen shine from.

Rowdy is the first MMA fighter to be featured on the magazine. Though it’s not so random if you really think about it, as MMA fighters need to be able to box to stay competitive. (Unless you count James Toney’s ill-advised foray into the octagon, which unsurprisingly ended in being choked out by Randy Couture).

The magazine tries to suggest that maybe boxing will be next for Rousey, but lulz, she’s got a budding movie career, and she doesn’t need that noise. (Plus, the UFC LOVES her.)

Though she inherited her love for judo from her mother, Rousey has become a fan of boxing through her training, according to Fox Sports. She even has a favorite boxer. “I can’t believe I’m one of those people who are like ‘before everybody knew, I thought he was going to be cool’ but I’m totally one of those guys,” she said. “I’m like ‘I knew Gennady was going to show everyone!’ Just everything about who he is as a fighter and who he is as a person and it’s hard to find somebody that impresses you in both areas.”

Who is Ronda Rousey’s favorite boxer?Who is Ronda Rousey favorite boxer?Find out in this first clip from #InTheRing

Posted by RingTV on Saturday, September 12, 2015

Based on The Ring‘s Facebook account, it seems putting Rousey on the cover is not a completely popular choice and some are already accusing the mag of selling out.

Her issue will be available on November 15.