
Christian Nodal’s Mother Follows in Son’s Footsteps After Belinda Breakup

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres
Art by Stephany Torres
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It looks like singer and songwriter Belinda’s social media footprint is shrinking one photo at a time. After her ex-fiancé, singer Christian Nodal, deleted all traces of her from his Instagram account late last year and then officially announced their breakup this past weekend, his biggest supporter has followed suit.

Nodal’s mother, Cristy Nodal, just purged all of Belinda’s photos from her Instagram account, too. It’s as if Belinda never existed in the world of the Nodal family. A two-year relationship – poof – gone.

Although the now-deleted photos showed Belinda and Cristy spending time together at things like birthday celebrations and on vacation, past rumors are starting to reemerge about how Cristy didn’t want her son and Belinda to be in a relationship. The rumor was first shared by Mexican TV journalist Juan José Origel.

At the time, Cristy called the accusations a “false rumor” and “a lie.” It was reported that Cristy allegedly asked Belinda to end her relationship with her son. Origel stated that Cristy was unhappy about the fact that Belinda was nine years older than Christian and that he was spending a lot of money while they were together. Belinda’s engagement ring is estimated to have cost $3 million.

While neither Christian, 23, or Belinda, 32, have shared a reason for their breakup, there are other rumors swirling around, including one about Belinda asking Christian for $4 million to pay back taxes when she only really needed a fraction of that amount.

At this point, only Christian Nodal and Belinda know what the truth really is. It’s a guarantee, however, that whatever it is, Cristy will continue to play the role of the protective mama bear.