
Politician Jesusa Rodríguez: When You Eat Tacos de Carnitas, You Celebrate the Fall of Tenochtitlán

Lead Photo: Photo by rez-art / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Photo by rez-art / iStock / Getty Images Plus

In countries like ours, which were entirely (and sometimes violently) altered through colonization, it’s important to remember our histories and all the culture and traditions that were stolen and erased. For Jesusa Rodríguez Ramirez, a Mexican artist and senator, it’s also necessary to not forget that the food that we consume now is a product of colonization. A few days ago, she recorded a video telling people that they should be mindful about eating tacos de carnitas.

In the video, the politician, who is part of the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), explained how the conquista started 500 years ago, and how in that time, Catholicism was imposed on them by murderers and fanatics who tried to weaken and quash their cultures, yet they weren’t completely successful. But a lot of what the colonizers forced on these communities remains.

“They also brought us a violent diet,” she said. “… The Spaniards brought pigs and Mexicans provided the tortillas. Remember that every time you eat tacos de carnitas, you’re celebrating the fall of the great Tenochtitlán.”

While it’s true that colonizers brought in ingredients and foods that were previously foreign to the Americas (and this is partially why some people try to avoid them), not everyone agrees with her comments. Check out a few reactions below.

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