
Meet Emmanuel Todd Lopez, the Scene-Stealing Emu Who’s Recently Gone Viral

Lead Photo: Credit: Knuckle Bump Farms TikTok
Credit: Knuckle Bump Farms TikTok

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, chances are you’ve come across videos of a rather curious and viral emu whose handler isn’t very happy when he hijacks the TikTok videos she is trying to make to educate viewers about the animals on the farm.

Knuckle Bump Farms is in South Florida and Taylor Blake, the young woman in the videos, is one of the farm’s employees. During many of her videos, Blake is seen talking about the things happening on the farm when one of the emus, Emmanuel, walks in front of the camera to steal the spotlight, to the delight of the internet in general.


Another day, another Emmanuel don’t do it🤦🏼‍♀️its impossible to educate under these hostile work conditions #emu #emmanueltheemu #farmlife #choas

♬ original sound – Knuckle Bump Farms

Sometimes, Emmanuel simply stares at the camera. Other times, he likes to peck at it. In some videos, he knocks it to the ground. Blake usually yells at Emmanuel not to start his shenanigans, but he rarely listens. “Emmanuel, don’t choose violence today,” Blake says in one of her videos.

In one video, Blake attempts to thank everyone for their support online, but Emmanuel isn’t having it. He picks at the camera until he knocks it over. “I’m trying to tell them thank you because they’ve been supporting us on the internet,” Blake says. “I know you don’t know what the internet is, but you’re literally kind of famous.”


Emmanuel and I wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU for all of the love and support! We pray this account will be a safe space for everyone seeking a little joy in this dark world❤️ WE LOVE YOU! (Emmanuel has a message for you at the end🤣) #emmanueltheemu #emu #thankyou

♬ original sound – Knuckle Bump Farms

On Sunday (July 17), Blake revealed that Emmanuel is apparently Latine when she became so frustrated with him, she called him by his “government name.” His full name: Emmanuel Todd Lopez.

Social media users were very excited when they found out Emmanuel was Latine.




As all Latines know, once mami uses your full name, you know you’re in big trouble. But knowing Emmanuel Todd Lopez, that isn’t going to stop him.