
TRAILER: Kate del Castillo Goes on a Rampage in Season 2 of Netflix’s ‘Ingobernable’

Lead Photo: 'Ingobernable' season 2 photo by Juan Pablo Gutiérrez. Courtesy of Netflix
'Ingobernable' season 2 photo by Juan Pablo Gutiérrez. Courtesy of Netflix

Wanted by many and broken by none, Emilia Urquiza (Kate del Castillo), the heroine of Netflix’s Ingobernable, is a former First Lady who’s become a nightmare for many powerful entities eager to see her vanish. She’s got a whole lot of grit and holds secrets that could bring down the entire Mexican government if spilled.

Ready to unleash the show’s second season, the streaming giant has released a full trailer where we learn more about what the fearless Urquiza will have to face in the new episodes. Unable to trust in the corrupt institutions and a system that perpetuates impunity, Urquiza knows she is on her own. She will have to use the information she possesses about her husband’s murder as leverage to stay alive after being kidnapped while continuing the search for her daughter Maria.

The high-octane clip also shows her trashing her own father and his penchant for investing in war – an amoral but solid business that always pays off – and discussing critical knowledge about prime drug trafficking routes. Is there anything she doesn’t know about in this web of deceit?

Del Castillo channels major badassery into a truly indomitable role. In one nail-biting moment, the character dares to call the shots while having a gun to her head without missing a beat. It’s an explosive performance, and that’s only from what we can see in the short trailer.

Plenty of dramatic close-ups, high tension-shootouts, sweeping vistas to evidence the massiveness of Urquiza’a quest, and a menacing voiceover are in store courtesy of a group of talented directors including Carlos Carrera (El crimen del Padre Amaro), Lucía Puenzo (Wakolda) and Pedro Pablo “Pitipol” Ibarra (Ya Veremos).

Ingobernable season two drops September 14, 2018, on Netflix worldwide.