
TEASER: In This Netflix Movie, a Pedro Infante Impersonator Helps Pedro Infante Get to Heaven

Lead Photo: 'Como caido del cielo' screen shot via YouTube. Courtesy of Netflix
'Como caido del cielo' screen shot via YouTube. Courtesy of Netflix

On Monday, to commemorate Mexican film and music icon Pedro Infante’s birthday, Netflix dropped a teaser for its upcoming film, Como caído del cielo, starring comedian and actor Omar Chaparro (No manches Frida) and Ana Claudia Talancón (El crimen del Padre Amaro).

Rather than a straight biopic on Infante, the movie – co-written and directed by Pepe Bojórquez (Más sabe el diablo por viejo) – features Omar Chaparro as Pedro Guadalupe Ramos, a skilled Pedro Infante impersonator with a notable physical resemblance to the famed singer, who is tangled in a magical realist, romantic comedy plot.

In Bojórquez’s quirky concept, the real Pedro Infante has been in limbo for more than 60 years unable to reach heaven because of his womanizing past while in the world of the living. Infante begs for a last chance to earn entrance into paradise, and thus his spirit returns in the body of his impersonator in order to make amends.

Unfortunately for the icon, it turns out that Pedro Guadalupe also resembles him in that he’s had unlawful flings that have hurt his marriage with Raquel (Talancón). Infante – inside Ramos’ body – falls in love with Raquel, which will help save the marriage while also keeping him on track toward his spiritual goal.

Footage of Omar Chaparro inside a recording booth singing “De qué me sirve el cielo,” an original ballad that Jorge Avendaño Lührs and Chaparro wrote for the film, is intercut with scenes inspired by Infante’s most recognizable performances throughout his career.

In a distinct turn from the talents he’s showcased in previous projects, Chaparro’s voice is impressive in the clip. It’s a major step towards not avoiding being pigeonholed solely in broad comedy.

Watch the video below.

Como caído del cielo debuts December 24, 2019, on Netflix.