
Pablo Escobar Escapes Prison & Is on the Run in Heart-Pounding Season 2 ‘Narcos’ Trailer

Lead Photo: Courtesy of Netflix
Courtesy of Netflix

Sure, Netflix has already given us a sufficiently adrenaline-pumping trailer for Narcos’ upcoming season two, complete with drugs, guns, money, helicopters, and explosions. But after a slight delay in the season’s original release date, it seems Netflix has thrown us a bone with yet another adrenaline-pumping trailer packed with drugs, guns, money, helicopters, and – that’s right – explosions.

Employing the hashtag #WhoKilledPablo, the latest trailer gives us a much clearer idea of season two’s storyline as the Cali Cartel, “Los Pepes,” and the Search Bloc all race to track down Escobar following his daring escape from prison at the end of season one. In case anyone was confused about the stakes, DEA Agent Steve Murphy reminds us that, “Pablo is never more dangerous than when you almost have him,” followed by shots of Escobar’s soldiers gunning down members of the Colombian military.

This time around we also get a little more screen time from Mexican super-estrella Damián Alcazar as a Cali Cartel capo, and Wagner Moura gives us a taste of his sharpened paisa Spanish cops with a seething cry of “hijueputa” ripped from deep within his guts. The whole ordeal closes out with a slick montage which seems to have police chief Haracio Carrillo pointing a gun at a terrified Escobar, suggesting that this time around Escobar might finally be cornered.

Though that would really tie their hands for season three, amirite?

Narcos season two premieres on Netflix on September 2, 2016.