After releasing a teaser trailer for Oscar-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s upcoming series Cabinet of Curiosities in early June, Netflix is now giving those intrigued fans more video, images, and information about the horror anthology – and there’s a lot to unpack.
First, the 8-episode series will be presented in four double-feature events from October 25-28. That means two episodes will be released every day from Tuesday through Friday.
“With Cabinet of Curiosities, we set out to showcase the realities existing outside of our normal world: the anomalies and curiosities,” del Toro said in a statement. “We hand-picked and curated a group of stories and storytellers to deliver these tales, whether they come from outer space, supernatural lore, or simply within our minds. Just in time for Halloween, each of these eight tales is a fantastical peek inside the cabinet of delights existing underneath the reality we live in.”
The titles of all eight episodes have been revealed. They are Dreams in the Witch House, Graveyard Rats, Lot 36, Pickman’s Model, The Autopsy, The Murmuring, The Outside and The Viewing. The Latine talent featured in the anthology series includes Ismael Cruz Cordova (Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power) in Witch House and Elpidia Carillo (Predator) in Lot 36, which is directed by Guillermo Navarro (Godfather of Harlem).
In some of the images released by Netflix, audiences get a glimpse at some of the chilling characters that will make appearances in the episodes, including a witch who camouflages well in the forest; a withered body on a pentagram; a monstrous rat with razor-sharp teeth; and a figure that looks like it’s covered in plaster. A behind-the-scenes video also features some disturbing imagery that the series will showcase.
In the video, Guillermo del Toro said: “What I’m trying to say is, ‘Look, the world is beautiful and horrible at exactly the same time.’”