Long-distance relationships test us and our patience. There are only so many phone calls and FaceTimes a person can have before wanting more. That being said, their not impossible.
Shared experiences allow you to get to know someone better, and the beautiful thing about long distance is that you have the opportunity to get to know someone based on communication, which can lead to a deeply emotional connection. In fact, in 2017, it was reported that roughly 3.9 million married Americans lived away from their partner/spouse, which makes us wonder—are we all better equipped for dating in the age of social distancing than we think?
If we learned anything from Love Is Blind, it’s that you don’t have to be in the same room as someone for true love to blossom. Most of us are in long-distance relationships now, so whether you’re swiping right in your zip code or your love interest is across the world—these tips are sure to come in handy. We’ve compiled a list of date ideas that focus on new ways for you and your partner to experience more together—even if from thousands of miles away.
Virtual museum tour
Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian National History Museum. It’s like the movie ‘Night at the Museum’ except you’re lounging in bed, in your pajamas. If you’re looking for a more romantic experience, explore the Louvre or the Metropolitan Museum of Art who is also offering virtual tours and online exhibits.
Take-out swap
Before COVID, a mindless date idea would be to take your date to your favorite spot. So, why not bring your favorite spot to them? The whole point of dating is to try to get to know someone better and, as the expression goes—you are what you eat! Send them your favorite takeout and ask them to send you theirs. Not only do you get to try new food, but you also support local businesses in the process. Everyone wins!
Game night
Thank God this is happening in 2020 and not 2000 or we’d all be stuck at home playing snake on our flip phone. Thanks to modern technology, there are hundreds of games you and your bae can play online. Here are some of our favorites:
House Party: This powerful little app lets you play a variety of party classics like heads up, pictionary and more!
Settlers of Catan: Catan has found a home on the internet. You and bae can make your own game and invite friends, or play with strangers while you strategize via FaceTime behind their back.
Crossword Puzzle: Challenge each other to see who can finish the classic NYT crossword puzzle faster. Loser has to plan the next virtual date!
Trivia: Get your friends and love interest together on Zoom and co-host a trivia night! It’s a great way to get together and meet ‘the friends’. This helpful stranger put together handy ‘instructions’ on how to host your own virtual trivia.
Sporcle: Take it back to middle school with a game of sporcle. I’m just as shocked as you are that this website is still up and running, but it’s a classic and a great way to test your partner’s random knowledge skills.
Dig deeper
The silver lining of social distancing dating is that it forces us to have better conversations. The removal of the physicality of it all allows you to get to know your potential partner on a deeper level. So get cozy, grab a glass of wine or your favorite mezcal and dig into The New York Times’ “Questions That Lead to Love” or, pull a few questions from We’re Not Strangers’ card set for a more playful approach to intimate conversation.
Take an online class, or workshop together
Hundreds of places are offering free online classes right now. So whether you want to get educated by one of the Ivys, or get crafty chances are you can find a good fit for you online. Here are some great places to start looking:
Skill Share: A learning platform that has hundreds of online classes taught by professionals. You can take anything from a watercolor class to an intro to entrepreneurship. Plus, right now, they are currently offering their first two months free!
Ivy League Courses: Take a free online class at Harvard, Brown, Yale and the like. Right now, there are over 400 active courses from topics ranging from computer science, personal development and humanities.
Read a Book Together
Okay, maybe this is just me but I have always found my partner’s voices to be incredibly attractive. So the thought of them reading one of my favorite books to me makes my heart skip a beat. Take turns reading to one another to make it more interactive, and if you’re up for it discuss. It’s like your own mini-book club.
Scavenger Hunt
So things are heating up with you and your local virtual bae and you want to take it to the next level? If you live in the same neighborhood, consider doing a scavenger hunt. While you’re out on your solo walks, leave them little notes, or treats that they can pick up a little later when they venture out for a walk.
Netflix Party
Thanks to the folks at Netflix, you can now sync up whatever you’re watching with friends using Netflix Party. It’s not exactly Netflix and Chill, but you can chill with your bae and watch your favorite shows together. We recommend Casa de Papel and Club the Cuervos if you’re looking for something extra binge-worthy!