
Alejandro Sanz Defends Javiera Mena After Tuiter Clowns Her for Mumbling Through “Corazón Partido”

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Following in the footsteps of musical odd couples MackleMorrison (Macklemore + Carla Morrison) and J Balvin + Pharrell (Phalvin?), Alejandro Sanz and Javiera Mena performed together at Festival de Viña on Wednesday. The two sang “Corazón Partido,” but Mena kind of sounded as though she were trying to wing it – at least, that’s what Tuiter said as they filled the social media platforms with memes.

While people straight up clowned her, Sanz immediately defended her. “Javiera is a great artist,” he said, according to La Tercera. “We had a small problem with the sound because this song has many syncopations, and when there is a little feedback, it’s complicated to sing. But she pulled it off marvelously.”

This is definitely not going to stop people from making jokes at Mena’s expense, despite having excitedly tweeted about rehearsing with Sanz earlier on Wednesday.

But Sanz has been on a roll as of late. While in Mexico, he was praised for stopping his concert to help a woman who was being harassed by a man, according to Fox News Latino. He walked off the stage so that he could lead security to the offender, while Sanz repeatedly told the man, “You do not do that.”