
Bad Bunny’s Self-Described #Trapnalgas Are the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Lead Photo: Art by Alan López for Remezcla
Art by Alan López for Remezcla

As if Bad Bunny hasn’t already had a momentous few days – first at the forefront of the #rickyrenuncia protests, then dropping a riveting song with Residente, and finally releasing his own line of Bad Bunny notebooks at Walmart – El Conejo Malo now seems to have coined a couple of new phrases in reference to a post about his Bad Bunny buns.

One user on Twitter posted a GIF of San Benito on top of a vehicle during the protests that showed him from a…let’s just say, perfect angle. The user, @alondrafournier commented: “The baby couldn’t pose for me, but he doesn’t look bad at all from this angle. I have spent days trying to look for you, so I could thank you for never forgetting where you come from and for being the most grateful! Te amo con cojones.”

To which Benito retweeted and responded “BAD CULÓN #trapnalgas,” which has made the internet go wild.