Over the weekend, fans took to social media to speculate whether Karol G and Anuel AA are making a romantic comeback. This came after many noticed La Bichota quietly and seemingly out of nowhere, unarchived photos of the former couple together over the years. On Sep. 8, the “Gatúbela” singer took to Twitter to address the rumors.
Anuel AA and Karol G began dating after filming their collaboration “Culpables” in 2018. The couple then got engaged shortly after in 2019. However, they called it quits last year. The couple was known for their unabashed proclamations of everlasting love and companionship. After the very public breakup, Anuel began dating and then married Dominican rapper Yailin La Más Viral. The two got hitched this past June. Karol G’s recently unarchived photos fueled recent divorce rumors that have hit the young couple.
Some fans of the Bebecita relationship didn’t hesitate to show their support for the reunion, commenting on Instagram, “@Anuel vuelvan por favor [please get back together].” Others jumped the gun with, “total, van a volver [anyway, they’re getting back together],” assuming the rumor is actually a reality.
Other fans took to Twitter to express discontent with the rumor, encouraging the Colombian singer to move on from her ex.
Another fan was so surprised to see the photos were never deleted, only archived, ending her observation with: “BICHOTA NOOOOOOOOOOO.” To this, the red-headed singer responded with: “Deleting some pictures from a social media platform doesn’t delete the history, nor what was experienced, that’s why they were always there and will remain there.”
Does this mean she’s putting the rumor to bed? Neither Karol G nor Anuel AA has flat out confirmed nor denied rumors of getting back together.
Currently, the “MAMIII” singer is occupied with more pressing matters, currently on her $trip Love arena tour throughout the U.S., riding a flying Ferrari over her audiences.