
Former Los Prisioneros Frontman Jorge González Still Struggling After Stroke

Since we reported that former Los Prisioneros singer and bassist Jorge González had suffered a stroke and was admitted to a hospital after a 40-minute set at the Nacimiento festival in Hualpén, Chile, things have taken a turn for the worse.

Today, a report from Chilean paper La Tercera has detailed developments in González’s health since the stroke. Unfortunately, the picture the paper paints is not very encouraging. Since his hospitalization, it was discovered that prior to the episode that led to his initial treatment, González had suffered a number of small strokes for seven months, which didn’t manifest in any physical way. MRA scans showed damage in his cerebral frontal lobe, affecting his speech, memory, and reasoning; luckily, he has worked with doctors (after initial distrust of modern medicine) to get better and regain his ability to speak and sing. Although the initial diagnosis suggested a six-month life expectancy, small progress has shown a much more positive potential outcome. Still, it’s a hard road ahead for Jorge, since he’ll need therapy and treatment for the rest of his life. Luckily, his family, friends, and bandmates have come together to help him along the way.

Pedropiedra has outshined everybody with his tribute song “La Balada De J. González.” In turn, Jorge attended Pedro’s wedding in one of his few public appearances. We wish Jorge González the best of luck and health.