A new reality show called Los Chávez featuring the emblematic Mexican former professional boxer Julio César Chávez and his family is on the horizon. Not only that, but the series’ theme song features the popular Mexican group Banda MS, also known as Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga.
On Aug. 28, the banda sinaloense officially released their new song “El César del Box,” which is part of the upcoming series. “We have a very good relationship with the champion and the people in his office,” the group’s leader Lizárraga said in a recent interview with Billboard Español. “When the project was put together he didn’t hesitate to call us and ask us for the song, which for us is a great honor.” Lizárraga also produced the track.
The new track features Banda MS’ powerful tuba, trumpet, and trombone, which emphasizes the band’s signature sound. The song is from Chávez’s POV, telling his story of always wanting to be in a boxing match since he was a kid. With lyrics like, “Mis hijos los traigo en la mente / Bajo el ring los golpes son más fuertes / Toqué el cielo, ya conocí el suelo / Y aún sigo en el top,” Banda MS touches on Chávez’s sentimental realities as both a father and a champion.
Since 2003, Banda MS has been making a name for themselves as one of the top banda sinaloenses. They are known for their popular songs like “El Color de Tus Ojos,” “Me Vas a Extrañar,” and “Háblame De Ti.” Currently, they have garnered over 18 million monthly listeners on Spotify, demonstrating their expansive audience reach.
Los Chávez is set to be a six-episode series featuring the life of the Chávez family. It’s described as “a blend of rockstar madness and high-profile drama” by one of the show’s creators. The official trailer shows dilemmas surrounding Chávez, his wife, and his children. The show also features Banda MS serenading the champion.
Los Chávez will premiere on Sept. 11 via Disney+ in Latin America.
Listen to the song below.