
Pitbull’s “Scooby Doo Pa Pa” Remix Is Out & It’s Gonna Be Everywhere This Summer

Lead Photo: Photo by Itzel Alejandra Martinez for Remezcla
Photo by Itzel Alejandra Martinez for Remezcla
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“Scooby Doo Pa Pa” fans can rejoice today, as DJ Kass is back to give the viral dembow hit another boost with a remix from Pitbull. Earlier this month, the Bronx-raised dembowsero premiered the video – an adventurous love letter to Uptown – on Remezcla, and he’s returned to link with Mr. Worldwide on the remix, which finds Pitbull mostly recounting his career history as a beloved Miami rapper to global hitmaker. “Damn, my life done changed/From hustling on the block to falling off the yacht,” he chuckles in one verse.

Mr. Worldwide has a knack for amplifying viral, context-specific tracks into global hits; take his 2009 remix of Sensato’s glorious “Watagatapitusberry” featuring Lil’ Jon as proof. Pitbull’s global pop empire knows no limits, so you can bet that this remix has the potential to take dembow to another international level, evolving out of its own specific ecosystem into a crossover moment that connects with new audiences. As Kass told Remezcla earlier this year, “Dembow has a future now that I’m here. We’re gonna make it more international – that’s the goal.” Expect this to pop on the radio all summer.

Stream the remix above, and watch the pair perform the track at Alex Sensation’s Miami Bash: