
Argentine Pop Star Nathy Peluso Keeps Living Her Best Life & We Are Here For It

Lead Photo: Nathy Peluso attends Ray-Ban suite at Primavera Sound Festival (Photo by Sergio Albert/Ray-Ban via Getty Images)
Nathy Peluso attends Ray-Ban suite at Primavera Sound Festival (Photo by Sergio Albert/Ray-Ban via Getty Images)
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I can’t quite recall exactly where I was the first time I heard Nathy Peluso’s work, but I’m almost certain she was singing about food. In a crowded space of artists coming out of Latin America, Peluso is really incomparable stylistically, with a mesh of r&b, hip-hop, trap and more. Her personality, comedic and light-hearted, is what made her known on Instagram and laid the foundation for her brand. Whether it’s twerking her way through a classic reggaeton track, or rapping about hypnotic love interests and pizza with the same enamored tone, la sandunguera tiene un sazón peculiar. The 24-year-old Argentinian experimental indie artist is carving out a lane all her own with her music, but it’s her perspective and carefree nature that make her particularly alluring. A lot of millenials (punch me, sorry) try to give off that nonchalant vibe, but we all know the earth and our insides are dying. Peluso seems to not be aware, and I wish to live in that alternate reality with her.

Here are a few times the Spain-resident inspired us to live our best lives:

Twerking to Tego Calderon While Eating a Salad:

You know, as one does!

Every Time She Sings About Food:

Though she has quite a few references to her favorite aperitifs throughout her work with titles like “Sandia” and “Hot Butter,” it’s really “Gimme Some Pizza,” that is literal in its message. Next time you call your delivery guy, consider playing this to them.

Encouraging hermanidad Rather Than competencia:

When She Went Drake On Us With a “Money Isn’t Everything” Speech:

I would tell young folks to show this to their parents before telling them their switching from pre-med to fine arts, pero … I’ll just say a little prayer for you instead.

Read the caption below and carry this energy with you throughout the week. Reciban paz, échenle manteca a la tostada, y reciban mucho pero mucho, mucho *amorrrrr.*