
The Internet Suggests What Christian Nodal & Belinda Should Do About Their Tattoos

Lead Photo: Art by Stephany Torres
Art by Stephany Torres
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Now that singer Christian Nodal and singer/songwriter Belinda have officially ended their relationship, it’s probably time for the former couple to start thinking about what they’re going to do about the tattoos they each have that reference one another.

Nodal has several tattoos honoring his ex, including one of her eyes on his chest, another with a shortened version of her name, “Beli,” near his right ear, and the name of Belinda’s second studio album, Utopia, on his forehead. Belinda has Nodal’s initials inside a heart inked in red on her ankle.

Maybe Nodal and Belinda will decide they’ll wait to rework their tats until they start new relationships like fellow musician Anuel AA apparently did, but if they want to do something about it sooner than later, the internet, as usual, has a lot of hilarious ideas.

The first suggestion for Nodal: Change his “Beli” tattoo to read, “Beli y Beto” in reference to the Mexican children’s TV series El show de Bely y Beto, which features mascot-sized characters. Other changes suggested to Nodal for his “Beli” tattoo include changing the name to a positive affirmation like “Beli-eve in Yourself” or to the 2019 song “Bellaquita” by Lenny Tavárez and Dalex.

Or maybe Nodal can become a Justin Bieber fan overnight.

One Twitter user offered an example of what Nodal’s chest tattoo would look like if he took the easy route and just covered up Belinda’s eyes with scribbled, black lines.

If that’s not an option, how about giving that tattoo a major eyelift and transforming Belinda’s ojos into a character from the 2004 comedy White Chicks?

For Belinda’s “CN” tattoo, someone suggested that instead of hiding the tattoo, Belinda should keep it and just tell people the initials are for something other than “Christian Nodal.” How about Cartoon Network, actor Chuck Norris, or director Christopher Nolan?

Whatever they both decide, there are plenty of options for them to consider. Here are a few more: