
Here’s What Jackie Had to Say About Marshall Breakup During ‘Love is Blind’ Season 4 Reunion

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After more than a few hiccups, the Love is Blind season 4 reunion is now available to watch on Netflix. And for people wondering where Jackelina “Jackie” Bonds is now, the reunion provided if not the answers people were looking for, at least a confirmation. 

Jackie, who did not attend the actual reunion, appeared on a video call interview with co-host Vanessa Lachey. She was joined by her boyfriend Josh Demas, who she met on the show and did not originally pick. Marshall Glaze, meanwhile, Jackie’s former fiancé, was present at the reunion. Both addressed the end of their relationship, though of course, the unconventional situation made it so fans didn’t get to see them discuss it face-to-face.

In the interview, Jackie took the time to address some of the controversies from her time on the show, saying that she “broke up with Marshall before I saw Josh at the coffee shop. It looks like I’m a cheater and I am not a cheater.” She also explained that her breakup with Marshall was caused, in part, by a discussion that happened off-camera, stating that “he had called me a derogatory name and we fought about it and he left for three days,” though she only went on to call it a bad joke afterward. 

Marshall clarified during the reunion that after comments from Jackie – leaked text messages shed light on the allegedly homophobic comments Jackie made about Marshall – he responded with “You got a strong jawline. I mean, like, you could’ve been a man for all I know.”

The internet, of course, had a lot to say about the Jackie and Marshall of it all.

Some felt like the reunion summed up that they weren’t meant to be.

Others wanted to talk about the real issue aka the transphobic and homophobic comments.



And some couldn’t stop looking at Marshall’s face as he listened in on the Jackie and Josh interview.

Ultimately, Jackie and Marshall both seem eager to move on, and for Jackie, moving on includes Josh, who gave fans an update during the pre-recorded interview. “We’re taking our time with everything,” Josh shared. “Life comes at you fast and we don’t want to rush anything. I think sometimes, you can rush love. We live together now. We got a dog. We got a fish. I’m a girl dad!”

Hopefully, the future allows both Jackie and Marshall a chance to reflect on the things they both feel it’s okay to joke about, educate themselves and be better. The LGBTQ+ community deserves love and support, and not to be used as a way for people to hurt each other. 

Love is Blind season 4 and the reunion special are now available on Netflix.