
The WTF Story of How Oscar Isaac’s Abuelo Pretended to Lose a Nalga

Lead Photo: Oscar Isaac during the 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' photocall at Corinthia Hotel London on December 13, 2017. Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images
Oscar Isaac during the 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' photocall at Corinthia Hotel London on December 13, 2017. Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images
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Every family has odd traditions. The kind that, when shared in public, can sound very very bizarre. Take Oscar Isaac for instance. Speaking with heatworld during The Addams Family press tour, Isaac shed light on a family anecdote that had his co-star, Charlize Theron, horrified and amused in equal measure. “A lot of our family traditions would center around scaring each other,” the Guatemalan-Cuban-American actor shared. But if your mind immediately went to images of parents sneaking up on their kids, or tíos pretending their thumbs had been snipped off, brace yourselves.

Isaac’s grandfather, it turns out, liked to dress up as a scary guy who was always looking for, well, half his butt cheek. You heard that right. When young Oscar thought his abuelo was sound asleep, he’d hear him across the street wailing about what he was missing: “Ooooh, dame mi nalga y te doy tu guacal!” he would yell. The story is enough to get Theron to suggest they should edit it out lest people think Isaac isn’t normal. “What? That’s not normal?” he jokes. “Everyone does that, right?”

We have a lot of questions and only wish we’d gotten much more context about why butt cheeks and guacales make for a spooky transaction. But in case you wanted to hear the Poe “I can’t get into the Millennium Falcon because of my ethnic hips” Dameron himself talking about his grandfather’s nalgas, take a look at the full clip below.